Liturgical Calendar

Bibliography & References

Vision & Mission
Garry W. Trompf, Professor in the History of Ideas, School of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney wrote (1992): "...Caodaism is described as a 'super-Theosophy' bring[ing] harmony to all spiritual beliefs and philosophies". Indeed, with the Cao Đài Religion, God the Father revealed Himself, organized and founded ONE religion, which is the Religion of the future, to save humanity and to restore harmony, peace and love among people on this planet. Spiritually, He aims to save humanity from the cycle of reincarnation by guiding them on the religious path to the Divine Eternal Realm.
His Holiness Hộ-Pháp (the former Religious Leader) preached in 1948:
"The Divine Master came to gather us together again, to unite us and to encourage us to live in peace like children in one large Family. The prophecy of His coming in the Christian Gospel has been fulfilled: 'I have other wandering sheep to bring back to the fold'. This means that He has to unify many religions…
Today, our Master builds "The Lofty Palace/ Cao Đài" or the Lofty Church symbolising the Greatest Faith in the World, in order to provide a basis for this New Religion. He has chosen His Apostles among the inhabitants of a minor group of people in the Far East, for that is what VietNam is, to realize the prophecy: The Holy doctrine of God comes from the East. The Priestly Group is thus the Immaculate Body of the Eternal One; and by beating the drum called 'Lôi-Âm', and ringing the bell called 'Bạch-Ngọc', they wake God's children from the illusions of the present times and lead them towards their Father's Home.”
To emphasize the vision of unity, inside every Cao Đài Temple, is a representation of the Divine Covenant of The Third Amnesty. This Covenant between Heaven and Earth is written and presented to humanity by the Venerable Saints, Victor Hugo, Sun Yat Sen and Trạng Trình Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm. Their mission is to guide humanity into the Way of the Third Amnesty. The Covenant is written in French: Dieu et Humanité Amour et Justice; and in Chinese: Tian Shang Tian Xia Bo Ai Gong Ping. This translates into English as: "God and Humanity [for] Love and Justice."
“Love is the key to the Thirty-six Heavens, to Nirvana, and the White (Divine) Palace. Whoever denies love would never escape reincarnation.”
(God the Master, Lunar Calendar – the 27th day of the 10th month Đinh Mão year, Western Calendar - 1927)