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The Coming of God

What does 'Cao Đài' mean?

Vision & Mission

A Brief History

Unifying Principles

Religious Laws & Constitution

Organization Structure




Liturgical Calendar

Bibliography & References

Bibliography & References

Hernandez M. Leslie. Couple builds CaoDai temple in home for daily prayer. [Article] Associated Press Newswires, 13 February 2003

Hesselgrave, David J, [Editor]. Dynamic religious movements: case studies of rapidly growing religious movements around the world. [Book] Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. 326 p

Holy See of Tay-Ninh (1972). The Outline of Caodaism. Holy See Printing House: Tay-Ninh, Vietnam.

Lang, Graeme (2004). Cultural Intrusions and Religious Syncretism: The Case of Caodaism in Vietnam Working Papers Series, No. 65, July 2004 - Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong. 

Nguyen, Long Thanh (1970). The Path of a Cao-Dai disciple: an outline of Cao-Dai religious life.{s. n.}: Tay Ninh, Vietnam. [> Online Full Text]

Oliver, Victor L. (1976). Caodai spiritism: a study of religion in Vietnamese society / pref. by Pierre Rondot. Leiden: Brill.

Oliver, Victor L. Caodaism: a Vietnamese socio-religious movement. [Essay] Dynamic religious movements. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1978. 273-296, 1974. 4: 1-25.

Minerva.Rambo, A Terry. Vietnam: searching for integration. [Essay] Religions and societies. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1982. 407-444.

Sarkisyanz, M. On the place of Caodaism Culturally and politically. Journal of Asian History [West Germany] 1984 18(2): 174-188.

Smith, R.B. An Introduction to Caodaism. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 1970 33(2): 335-349 and (3): 573-589.

Stuertz, Mark. The Spirits Move Them Dallas Observer News Published on June 27, 2002 [> Online Full Text]

Tran My-Van: Vietnam's Caodaism, Independence, and Peace: The Life and Work of Phạm Công Tắc (1890-1959). PROSEA Research Paper No. 38, Sept. 2000.

Werner, Jayne Susan (1976). The Cao Dai: The politics of a Vietnamese syncretic religious movement, Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University.

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