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UN Ceremony to promote the importance of World Interfaith Harmony Week​

  1. The search for peace and happiness (PDF)

  2. Peace Covenant (PDF)

  3. The Cao Đài Religion is the peace remedy (PDF)

  4. Harmony of the Universe (PDF)

  5. Universal fraternity - part 1 (PDF)

  6. Universal fraternity - part 2 (PDF)

  7. Compassion (PDF)

  8. Compassion & Justice (PDF)

  9. The governing law and power of the Universe (PDF)

  10. The Diêu Trì Festival (PDF)

  11. Our duty to the Mother Buddha (PDF)

  12. His Holiness Jesus Christ's Day (PDF)

  13. Divine versus secular talent (PDF)

  14. Mental suffering relief (PDF)

  15. Our #1 property on earth (PDF)

Sermons of His Holiness Hộ Pháp (Head of Legislative Affairs) on the topic of Peace

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Sami Yusuf - The Gift of Love

Sami Yusuf - The Gift of Love

Pre-save the New Album ‘ECSTASY’: Join us in spreading peace and harmony among followers of all faiths: Website: Facebook: Twitter: As part of the World Interfaith Harmony Week Initiative, and in celebrating The World Interfaith Harmony Week 2015, we are proud to present: The World's first Interfaith Anthem, The Gift of Love. What is the World Interfaith Harmony Week? The World Interfaith Harmony Week provides a platform—the first week of February, annually—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. The thousands of events organized by these groups often go unnoticed not only by the general public, but also by other groups themselves. This week will allow for these groups to become aware of each other and strengthen the movement by building ties and avoiding duplicating each others’ efforts.You can participate in the World Interfaith Harmony Week by visiting their events page at: You can also apply to become a World Interfaith Harmony Ambassador at: If you are experiencing problems viewing the video you can also watch it here: Watch Sami's Official YouTube playlist Follow Sami Yusuf on: Credits: Composed, arranged and performed by Sami Yusuf Written and composed by Ghazi bin Muhammad Mixed & Mastered by Vishnu Rajan @ Andante Studios All Choirs (including Gregorian) recorded at Futura Productions (Boston, USA) and conducted by Clayton Mathews. Directed by Siros Kerdouni @ Shadow Pictures LLC Published by Andante Records. Administered by Fairwood Music (UK) Ltd for the World. Special Thanks to: The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, its beautiful people and every single person who helped make this video a reality and especially Mo'tasem Shatnawi, our location manager in Jordan. Lyrics: Diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum [Translation: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’. (Mark 12:31)] Love to give! To give is love, And love the gift, The gift of love. No belief! Without the love, Believe in love! The belief of love. None of you truly believes until you love for your neighbour what you love for yourself. [A saying of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)] Love to give! The gift of love, Give the other, All your love. What a relief! To give my love, I am now you, And you are my love! © Andante Records. All rights reserved
Interfaith Youth Core Introduction
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World Peace Map 2018.jpg
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