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World Justice Project 

World Justice Map.jpg
  1. The Divine Law of Justice (PDF)

  2. The governing law and power of the universe (PDF)

  3. The Law of Love and the Right of Justice (PDF)

  4. The Law of Love, the Dharma of Justice and the Divine Covenant (PDF)

  5. Compassion and Justice (PDF)

  6. Physical suffering relief (PDF)

  7. Mental suffering relief (PDF)

  8. The Diêu Trì Festival (PDF)

Teachings of His Holiness Hộ Pháp (Head of Legislative Affairs) on the topic of Justice

HH Ho Phap.jpg

Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom Map.jpg

Countries of particular concern

Universal Education 

Universal Education (Inequality)

Increasing Economic Inequality

The elephant curve of global inequality and growth, 1980–2016

Elephant chart_Income inequality.png

View the report


The major causes of inequality (developed world) (visit site)

The possible consequences of inequality (view)

Climate Justice

Mary Robinson: Why Climate Change Is a Threat to Human Rights
Climate change is unfair. While rich countries can tackle rising oceans and dying farm fields, poor people around the world are already having their lives upended...

The Carbon Map & Climate Justice.jpg

Emissions mainly come from the largest or wealthiest countries, while people at risk mainly reside in poor countries or areas

To see examples of family living in (extreme) poverty, visit this site:

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